Published on August 27, 2005 By boopish In WinCustomize Talk
Had to do a complete sys restore - NAV didn't like being uninstalled and took out "Bits"...had to do a sys recovery when sp2 refused to reinstall. everything seemed ok, but now my log off screens say "Media Center Edition" and refuse to be skinned !!! I hate that dumb Media Center log off and perfered my skinned ones....How can I fix this? It was working before...never even saw that type of logoff/shutdown screen before. Oh, almost forgot, when I reinstalled my updates it automatically ran a "Windows Validation", and sa screen flashed on that said thanks for having a legal copy of windows without me doing anything... never saw this before, either and I have had a couple of crashes before this and had to do the total restore thingie. Yes, this is a MediaCenter Editon Vaio.
on Aug 28, 2005

Well, I know the validation is a new thing from microsoft, as new as this month maybe.  The one I encountered told me that I didn't have to have it, but if I didn't agree to the validation then I couldn't download microsoft stuff.  Since my software is licensed anyway it didn't matter.. except I saw a notation that once you allowed it you could never uninstall it.  It is their drive to combat piracy of their software.

I had norton and uninstalled it except for that NAV part which is still listed as being there.  I just ignore it, since most of Norton is long gone.  Kaspersky doesn't seem to mind it being there.

I know this doesn't answer your logon/off question... but at least you know why you never saw the other stuff before.  It was my impression that you should have been able to agree to take that or not, unless you have automatic download and install.  I don't trust MS enough to give them automatic privileges.   I still have a functional logon/off, so you should be able to get that running again even if you do have that validation.

I know that they kind of have us over a barrel with all their patching and whatnot, and I usually end up taking their download.  But I like to read about them first.  I have declined one or two.

on Aug 28, 2005

Have you tried re-installing logons?

on Aug 28, 2005
Thanks for the info, VMGM! Will try re-installing log-ons now.... but it's the logoff dialogue box that isn't skinning far!
on Aug 28, 2005
I can second the relatively new addition of the validation software, due to the fact that I have done quite a few OS installs in the past few months, and the validation process was not in full swing two months ago - now it is.

I also agree that a reinstall of LogonStudio and the skins may be in order.

If you have not received the message that LogonStudio is no longer your logon editor, then that may be the problem - because answering no will automatically force LogonStudio to quit.

If that does not fix it, I would think that a setting in user account may be preventing the skin applying.
on Aug 28, 2005
Oh, I'm sorry.  Maybe I misunderstood what was broken.  It's only the dialogue box? 
on Aug 28, 2005
Log off sounds like WindowBlinds setting or skin to me.
on Aug 28, 2005
NAV didn't like being uninstalled and took out "Bits".....had to do a sys recovery when sp2 refused to reinstall. everything seemed ok

Have you checked to make sure it is working?
I found out SP2 won't reinstall if you already have it and try to go in through the home users side - get the you have it already, have a nice day message. You can download it manually then run it and it will fix your BITS from Link
(thanks to YRAG for the info)
on Aug 28, 2005
Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions...after almost another full day of struggling with this, I just gave up and did another complete reformat and clean boot as I couldn't even see sp2 anywhere on my drive. Guess sp2 didn't install correctly the last time, because everything is back to normal now that I followed the link from Sir Bichur (thank you so much!!) after the reformat. My proper logoff dialogue screen is back and skinned to the nines!!
on Aug 28, 2005
on Aug 28, 2005
Glad to hear it, Betty.

btw - haven't forgotten about you, bear with me ... life intrudes every now and then.
on Aug 28, 2005
Nothing beats a nice hot steaming cup of 'reformat' on a chilly winter's day....
on Aug 29, 2005
Thanks Jafo and Pic! All is well once I can get myself back to checking for new blinds and walls and cursors and, and, and

No problemo, Pic...been kinda busy myself